Tobacco Prevention and Cessation

Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, (Abbr: Tob. Prev. Cessation; ISSN:2459-3087) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of tobacco use, prevention and cessation. The aim of the journal is to foster, promote and disseminate research involving tobacco use, prevention, policy implementation at a regional, national or international level and finally the treatment of tobacco attributable disease through smoking cessation.

Full Journal Title: European Journal of Midwifery
Abbreviated Title: Eur J Midwifery
ISSN (electronic): 2585-2906
Publisher: European Publishing
Publisher Address: Science and Technological Park of Crete, Greece
Editors: See Editorial Board Page
Peer Review: Double Blind
Publication Frequency: Continuous
Publication Medium: Electronic Only
Publication website:
First Year Published: 2017
Article Processing Charges: 1750 Euro + VAT where applicable. LIC authors have no APCs.

Journal Facts