Bridging the Knowledge Gap
Our Journals
Tobacco Induced Diseases encompasses all aspects of research related to the prevention and control of tobacco use at a global level. Preventing diseases attributable to tobacco is only one aspect of the journal, whose overall scope is to provide a forum for the publication of research articles that can contribute to reducing the burden of tobacco-induced diseases globally.
EJM covers all aspects of midwifery practice, especially research, support, care, and advice during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period. The journal is proud to be under the auspices of 14 European Midwives Associations.
The aim of the journal is to foster, promote, and disseminate research involving tobacco use, prevention, policy implementation at a regional, national, or international level, and finally, the treatment of tobacco-attributable disease through smoking cessation.
An open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific journal that encompasses all aspects of population, preventive, and public health research, including health care systems and health care delivery.
The journal, since 1987, publishes original papers of international interest on laboratory and clinical research that are pertinent to lung biology and disease.
The journal welcomes integrated epidemiological, clinical, animal, and cellular biological research to provide the scientific foundation in support of hazard identification and risk assessment resulting from exposure to chemical or biological agents. The journal is the official media partner of EUROTOX, the Federation of European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX).
Cancer Prevention and Care is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal. This multidisciplinary journal focuses on the behavioral, environmental, genetic, and policy factors that may lead to or prevent cancer development, progression, and relapse.
Our Standards
Publishing research ethically involves ensuring that research is conducted responsibly and reported accurately. Key ethical principles include integrity, transparency, and consideration of the potential impact of research on society. Adhering to these principles promotes trust in the research community and ensures that research has a positive impact on society.
Properly assigning authorship credit is crucial not only for recognizing individual contributions but also for maintaining scientific integrity.
Peer review plays a crucial role in ensuring research integrity. Peer review enables researchers to receive feedback, refine their ideas, and improve their work. It helps ensure trustworthy, reliable, and accurate research, promoting knowledge advancement. Read more on how we handle peer review below.
Our principles of transparency checklist provide clear information about content labeling, disclosure of sponsored content, data collection, and usage policies. More details on our checklist can be found below.
To avoid predatory publishing, it's important to thoroughly assess the publisher and the journal before submitting your work, paying attention to factors such as the peer review process, the editorial board, and indexing in reputable databases. Read more about how we support the Think.Check.Submit initiative to support researchers in making correct decisions.
Featured Articles
Open Conversations About Cigarette and E-Cigarette Use During Pregnancy Can Transform Maternal Health
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, 7 October 2024
Birth Experiences: Expert Insights into the Vital Connections Between Maternity Care and Positive Provider Interactions
The European Journal of Midwifery, 13 September 2024
How Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Indonesia Are Navigating Health Challenges and Triumphs in Primary Care
Population Medicine, 30 August 2024